For the year 2024, the scheme for Prime Minister’s Awards for Excellence in Public Administration aims to recognize the contribution of civil servants in:

  • (i) Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana- National Rural Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NRLM)
  • (ii) PM Vishwakarma
  • (iii) Aspirational Blocks Program
  • (iv) Saksham Anganwadi and Poshan 2.0
  • (v) PM Schools for Rising India (PM SHRI)
  • (vi) Innovations

Award categories:

i. Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana- National Rural Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NRLM)

Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana- National Rural Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NRLM) is a flagship poverty alleviation program of the Government of India, launched in June 2011, for promoting poverty reduction through building strong institutions of the poor, particularly women, and enabling these institutions to access a range of financial services and livelihood services.

DAY NRLM has collectivized women by mobilizing them into Self Help Groups. The Mission has mobilized 10.05 crore rural households into 90.86 lakh SHGs. These SHGs carry out the activity of saving and thrift and are provided financial linkages by way of bank loans. The SHGs have cumulative leveraged a credit of Rs.9.04 crores from Banks to take up income generating activities.

The Mission is now focusing on enhancement of livelihood opportunities for the SHG women and is promoting them to undertake diversified income generating activities, thereby, making them Lakhpati Didis, who earn at least Rs. 1 lakh income per year. The Mission targets to make 3 crore lakhpati didis over a period of 3 years under the Mission

Seeing the potential of SHGs as an effective grassroots level institution for collective interventions, 1100 SHG members (Drone Didis) have been provided opportunities of drone application in agriculture into a business proposition. These Drone Didis have been provided trainings on flying drones at the recognized Remote Pilot Training Organisations (RPTOs) on the use cases for Drones in Agriculture.

ii. PM Vishvakarma

PM Vishwakarma was launched in September 2023 with a financial outlay of Rs.13000 crore. The scheme aims to strengthen and nurture the Guru-Shisya prampara or family-based practice of traditional skills by artisans and craftspeople working with their hands and tools. The Scheme aims at improving the quality, as well as reach of products and services of artisans and craftspeople and to ensure that the Vishwakarmas are integrated with the domestic and global value chains.Under PM Vishwakarma scheme, the artisans and craftspeople will be provided recognition through PM Vishwakarma certificate and ID card, Credit Support upto Rs.1 lakh (First Tranche) and Rs.2 lakh (Second Tranche) with a concessional interest rate of 5%. The Scheme will further provide Skill Upgradation, Toolkit Incentive, Incentive for Digital Transactions and Marketing Support.

iii. Aspirational Blocks Program

The Aspirational Blocks Programme (ABP) was launched on January 7, 2023, during the 2nd National Conference of Chief Secretaries. This aims to transform 500 blocks across 329 districts from 27 States & 4 Union Territories. The ABP focuses on improving governance to enhance the quality of life of citizens most difficult and underdeveloped blocks of India by converging existing schemes, defining outcomes, and monitoring them. Under ABP, 40 Key Performance Indicators are identified to measure the progress of the blocks under 5 themes of Health and Nutrition, Education, Agriculture and Allied Services, Social Development and Basic Infrastructure. The blocks are ranked on the basis of incremental progress achieved by the blocks, thus instilling a sense of healthy competition among them and financial incentives are also awarded on a quarterly basis

The awards will be given for the totality of the performance under the Aspirational Blocks Program. Assessment of overall performance of the Aspirational Blocks along various parameters will be made. The Aspirational Blocks would be evaluated based on the progress made in the evaluation period.

iv. Saksham Anganwadi and Poshan 2.0:

Saksham Anganwadi and Poshan 2.0 (Mission Poshan 2.0) is an Integrated Nutrition Support Programme. It seeks to address the challenges of malnutrition in children, adolescent girls, pregnant women and lactating mothers through a strategic shift in nutrition content. and delivery and by creation of a convergent eco-system to develop and promote practices that nurture health, wellness and immunity. 'Mission Poshan 2.0' subsumes the Anganwadi Services (AWS), Poshan Abhiyaan and Scheme for Adolescent Girls (SAG).

Through the Anganwadi platform, supplementary nutrition for children below 6 years of age, Pregnant Women and Lactating Mothers, pre-school non-formal education, nutrition & health education, immunization, health check-up and referral services are provided.

Poshan Abhiyaan under Mission Poshan 2.0 seeks to transform nutrition improvement into a Jan Andolan by use of information and communication technology, community mobilization and promoting positive behavioral change. To strengthen and bring transparency to nutrition delivery at Anganwadi centers, Poshan Tracker application has been rolled out on March 1, 2021.

Under the Scheme for Adolescent Girls, the beneficiaries are Adolescent Girls in the age group of 14 to 18 years across all the districts of North East Region and Aspirational Districts of other States. The scheme aims to address the inter-generational issues related to malnutrition by following a life cycle approach. The scheme provides supplementary nutrition in the identified areas of the country for improving their health and nutritional status. The non nutrition component the scheme provides IFA supplementation, health check-up and referral service, nutrition & health education, skilling, etc.

v. PM Schools for Rising India (PM SHRI)

The centrally sponsored scheme of PM SHRI (PM Schools for Rising India) was approved by Cabinet on 7 September, 2022. Under the scheme there is provision of setting up of more than 14500 PM SHRI Schools by strengthening the existing schools from amongst schools managed by Central government/State/UT Government/local bodies. These schools showcase the implementation of the National Education Policy 2020 and emerge as exemplar schools over a period of time, and also offer leadership to other schools in the neighbourhood.

PM SHRI Schools provide leadership in their respective regions in providing highquality education in an equitable, inclusive and joyful school environment that takes care of the diverse background, multilingual needs, and different academic abilities of children and makes them active participants in their own learning process as per the vision of NEP 2020. The total cost of the project will be Rs 27360 crore spread over a period of 5 years which includes central share of Rs 18128 crore.

PM SHRI Scheme is being implemented by saturating all the components such as Bala feature and Jadui Pitara, Support at Pre-school Education, Child Friendly Furniture, Outdoor Play Materials etc. in Primary and Elementary Schools and Furniture, Fully equipped integrated Science Lab/Physics Lab/Chemistry Lab/ Biology Lab, Smart Classrooms, Computer Lab/ ICT Lab, Atal Tinkering Lab, Skill Lab, School lnnovation Councils, Playground with well-equipped sports facilities etc. for secondary and senior secondary schools. A total of 11,099 PM SHRI Schools have been selected from 33 States/UTs including KVS/NVS in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Phase of selection process under PM SHRI Scheme